Project Description: The aim of the eENVplus ( project is to integrate a huge amount of environmental data put at disposal by the involved national/regional environmental agencies and other public and private environmental stakeholders through the integration and harmonisation of existing services in order to answer to the requests of environmental monitoring and reporting drafted by the European, national and local policies and actions. The project doesn?t design new services but, starting from the results of previous European experiences (funded projects, good practices, EU/national/local experiences) it integrates them into an operational framework able to overcame the cross-border/languages barriers. eENVplus provide not only the ICT infrastructure but also the description and the support to make this infrastructure operational and profitable through the provision of an organisational model and a tutored training framework
.eENVplus interoperable infrastructure provides the Members State and the GI Communities with:
- a comprehensive open scalable infrastructure able to integrate existing infrastructures according to the INSPIRE requirements, open standards and interoperable innovative services;
- A Common Environment Thesaurus Framework, supporting via Linked Data the integration of existing Thesauri in the field of environment and providing added-value services for its integration and exploitation in pilot applications
- A Comprehensive tool-kit with procedures for data harmonisation and validation for supporting in the Members States the application of the INSPIRE implementing rules, with guidelines and examples;
- A set of innovative on-line added value interoperable services aiming to facilitate the developing of innovative environmental applications;
- A Training Framework to support also with eLearning tools the necessary knowledge and Guidelines for operating with INSPIRE and SEIS.
Title: eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIRE
Contracting Authority: European Commission
Contract Number: 325232
Call: CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6
Start Date: 01/01/2013
End Date: 31/12/2015
EPSILON Role: D.3.1 Leader (Datasets and metadata harmonization toolkit), D.3.3 Leader (Recommendations for WP5 and WP6), D.3.6 Leader (Harmonization and Validation Report), Responsible of Forest Fire Management Scenario Application Deployment
Total Budget:4.900.008 ?
Project Website:
Dissemination Material
eENVplus factsheet (EN) |
eENVplus factsheet (GR) |